Star Trek: Akira-class Bridge (TNG-era)

I have never been satisfied with using a Galaxy-class bridge for the Akira-class. In my opinion it just doesn’t fit the ship. Neither does the Sovereigns bridge or the Intrepids. So with that in mind I set out to design my own. While searching the Internet I found ASR’s Bureau of Information and there Coventry-class ship. I saw there bridge design created by Edward Bell and decided to alter it and turn it into the bridge for the Akira. I know there is no credit on the pic but when its totally completed I will add it. Comments welcome!!

General Overview: Primary operational control for Akira-class Starships is provided by the Main Bridge located at the top of the primary hull. It is located on Deck 1. The Main Bridge directly supervises all primary mission operations and coordinates all departmental activities. The current layout of the Akira Class Bridge is a modified version of the Galaxy Class Bridge Module.
The Main Bridge is an ejectable module, allowing for a wider variety in mission parameters. The standard module on all Galaxy-class Starships is the second standard version.
Layout: The current standard Akira Class layout is as follows. In the center is Command area with two common seats, for the Captain (19), and the Executive Officer to his left (20). This section of the bridge is one step higher then the front of the bridge to allow the Captain a better view of viewscreen (14). The two Officer seats are equipped with fully programmable consoles for a variety of uses
At the front of the bridge is the Conn (18), starboard, and Operations (17), port, stations. Conn is the combination of Helm and Navigation, and Operations controls and monitors most vital ship functions. Operations is commonly in control of sensors aboard Akira-class starships.
At the very front of the bridge chamber is a large viewscreen (14). This main viewer performs all the standard duties expected of it. However, the viewscreen is not always activated like most other starships. It is a full Holographic display, that can be activated upon request. When the screen is not active, a standard bulkhead is present. This addition was made into the Sovereign-class, so that Star-Field syndrome among Bridge officers would be stopped. Too many officers became hypnotized during warp.
Behind the Command area is the Tactical Rim (16). Here is the Primary and two Auxiliary Tactical stations. All tactical and security functions can be controlled and monitored from this point.
Against the starboard side walls of the main bridge are the consoles for Sciences. There are three Science consoles with Science III (3) being a fully programmable multi-mission Console. Science I (1), which is the primary science console, has priority links to Conn, Ops, Computers, and Tactical. The Science I console is located directly to the Captain's left. Science II (2) is the ASO's (Assistant Science Officer's) console, which can be used by any personnel. Science II has access to all science, navigational, sensor, and communications systems. Science II can be configured to operate in tandem with Science I, although security links and all other non-science data is withheld from Science II. Science II usually works independently of Science I, and is located next the main station.
Against the port side walls of the main bridge are the consoles for Communications. There are three Communications consoles with Communications III (11) being a fully programmable multi-mission Console. Communications I (13), which is the primary communications console, has priority links to Conn, Ops, Computers, and Tactical. The Communications I console is located directly to the Captain's right. Communications II (12) is the ACO's (Assistant Communications Officer's) console, which can be used by any personnel. Communications II has access to all science, navigational, sensor, and communications systems. Communications II can be configured to operate in tandem with Communications I, although security links and all other non-science data is withheld from Communications II. Communications II usually works independently of Communications I, and is located next to the main station.
Instead of bank of panels along the back-wall, the Akira-class has added an alcove to provide specialized work-space for the unique nature of the vessel. On the starboard side of the alcove are Engineering (4), Warp Propulsion Systems (5) and Environmental Systems (6) panels. On the port side of the alcove are
are Flight Deck Operations (8), Traffic Control Operations (9), and Mission Operations (10). Along the back-wall of the alcove is the Master Systems Display (7) with a Tactical Situation Board (15) running thru the center of the alcove.
There are two turbolifts (21) leading off the bridge; unlike the Galaxy-class there is not an emergency turbolift that leads directly to the Battle Bridge. Instead that space has been reserved for an emergency transporter (23). There are also three rooms adjacent to the Bridge. The Captain's Ready Room is on the fore port of the Bridge. The Conference Room and Bridge Head is aft starboard.
There are no escape pods connected to the bridge. Pods are located on all decks below Deck three. Two pods are reserved for the top four officers in the chain of command on the Sovereign Class, because they are the last four to leave the ship. These are located on Deck two. As the number of experienced Captains dwindles in Starfleet, the notion of a Captain going down with his ship has been abolished. If the ship is abandoned, the top four officers in the chain of command will wait until everyone else is off the ship, opt to arm the auto-Destruct (not always necessary, but there if needed), and then leave in the two escape pods.

This is a rehash of what I think the bridge of an Akira-class should look like. I originally published this July 14th, 2010.


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