Computer Management bat files - Part 3: Menu script

In today's article we are going over how to create a menu for our users and groups management script. If you haven't read it you may want to start at article one Computer management bat files - Part 1: Users and Computer management bat files - Part 2: Groups

Menu Script

This is really simple we are just going to follow the same techniques we used in our other scripts but this time lay our a menu using echo, set, if, and a variable to let the user select a number on the menu.

@echo off

  echo ============Users Menu============
  echo ============Users============
  Net User
  echo ============Groups============
  Net Localgroup
  echo Choose An option:
  echo 1. View a User  
  echo 2. Add a User
  echo 3. Disable a User
  echo 4. Enable a User
  echo 5. Change User Password
  echo 6. Add User to group
  echo 7. List Users of a group
  echo 8. Remove User from group
  echo Q. Back To Main Menu
  SET /P INPUT=Please select a number:
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='8' goto REMGroup
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='7' goto ListGroupUsers
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='6' goto AddGroup
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='5' goto Password
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='4' goto EnableUser
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='3' goto DisableUser
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='2' goto AddUser
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='1' goto ViewUser
  IF /I '%INPUT%'=='Q' goto MainMenu
  echo ============INVALID INPUT============
  echo -------------------------------------
  echo Please select a number from the User
  echo Menu [1-8] or select 'Q' to quit.
  echo -------------------------------------
  echo ======PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE======
 GOTO UserMenu

Here is how the menu looks when you run it.

Since we don't have any of the code to actually jump to the menu is currently just to look at. Now that we have the menu all setup and ready to go next time we will add the menu and all our scripts together.


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